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Memorial at Notre Dame to remember Nice victims

发布时间:2016-07-18  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

In Paris, a special mass was held at Notre Dame to mourn the 84 lives lost in Nice.

A time to pray and reflect on the tragic events in Nice. A special service was held at the iconic Notre Dame cathedral to mourn the 84 people that were killed in the Mediterranean coastal city.

Many of those attending the mass know all too well, the pain and suffering of a terrorist attack with Paris still reeling from the atrocity in November last year that saw 130 people killed.

"It is true that in Paris we have really been hurt by this terrible happenings. It is still very sensitive among people. It is a goal to build a stronger brotherhood in the nation," Bishop Denis Jachiet, Vicar general of The Diocese of Paris, said.

Understandably, the recent attack, coming so soon after Paris, has left some here emotional and angry.

It is not the first one. Or the second one or third one. Many many attacks. It is not possible. It is not good for us. For the world.

A couple of kilometers away, prayers too at the Paris Grand Mosque. A group of heavily armed soldiers guard against a revenge attack. Some of those attending were keen to send a message of solidarity.

"The Muslim community needs to wake up, stand up and say we have nothing to do with that and we are part of the French community and we stand against terrorism of course. I feel I am the first victim of all these attacks and I am really sad. And I fear it is not going to end."

The events in Nice have been keenly felt here in Paris. The two cities share a tragic connection - two horrific terror attacks less than a year apart. One city is still to come to terms with the atrocities the other city just starting that process.

 中国全民传媒网摘编GAN JADE

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