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50 years on, Marilyn Monroe's star power shines

发布时间:2012-08-02  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Marilyn Monroe, the world’s number one sex symbol and the most desirable woman on the planet, passed away a half-century ago this Sunday, a murky death that remains one of Hollywood’s most tantalizing mysteries.

But her iconic image lives on: The platinum blonde hair, the ruby red lips, the beauty mark, those curves, and the shimmering, body-clinging garments she covered them with.

On the eve of the 50th anniversary of Monroe’s death, Matt LeBlanc and other Hollywood notables give their take on the icons’ legacy.

She died in her Los Angeles bungalow 50 years ago on August 5th. But actress Marilyn Monroe’s work and iconic Hollywood persona are alive and well. Visitors to Hollywood boulevard flock to her Walk of Fame star, as well as her imprints in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theatre.

There’s a new stage production, called "Forever Blonde," that celebrates Monroe at the legendary El Portal Theatre in North Hollywood. Actress Michelle Williams earned an Oscar nomination for her portrayal of Monroe in last year’s "My Week with Marilyn." And the TV series "Smash," spins around the development of a musical about, you guessed it: Marilyn Monroe.


Marilyn Monroe, the world’s number one sex symbol and the most desirable woman on the
planet, passed away a half-century ago.

Marilyn Monroe made some 30 films in her career, many of them major hits, and some of them bona-fide cinema classics. But today’s celebrities have bittersweet impressions of the icon of Hollywood icons, who died at just 36 years of age.

Matt Leblanc, actor, said, "I don’t know, I guess when I think of her, I don’t know why. I think tragedy for some reason. I think it was, she just was like, and I could be way off base, but this is my own personal reaction to it, just seems like this lost soul that was not happy and trying to find something. I could be way off base, but my limited exposure to her, that’s what it seems like to me."

Janet Montgomery has more upbeat impressions of Monroe as a fashion icon.

Janet Montgomery, actress, said, "Well, obviously, there’s the iconic picture of the halter-necked dress and it was such an incredible era for glamorous Hollywood. And I think when you’re an actress you want the chance, you get events and stuff and you think, ’Well, yeah I could go in ripped jeans and Converse or someone’s going to let me wear this dress and I could feel a little glamorous.’"

Marilyn Monroe has been gone for 50 years. But if you look around, her legend lives on, more vibrantly than ever.

Marilyn Monroe, the world’s number one sex symbol and the most desirable woman on the
planet, passed away a half-century ago.

中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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