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Thai government faces no confidence debate

发布时间:2012-08-10  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

The government of Thailand is facing a vote of censure just one year after coming to power. The opposition is claiming the country’s first female Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and her Puea Thai party have failed in a number of key areas. The government says it’s ready to answer any criticism. But a vote of no confidence could see Shinawatra’s position under threat.

Security cameras capture the killing of four Thai soldiers, in continuing violence in southern Thailand. Suspected Muslim insurgents open fire from pick-up trucks - as a military patrol on motorbikes is returning to base.

Four soldiers are shot dead; their weapons are then stolen. There has been a big increase in shooting and bomb attacks since the Islamic holy month of Ramadan began.

Failure to control the insurgency is one of a number of criticisms being levelled at prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra by the opposition Democrat Party.

They claim Ms Shinawatra merely implements the wishes of her brother, the exiled former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The opposition’s says it’s also concerned at falling prices for Thailand’s farm commodities. Rubber, a major crop, is being supported by the government, which is buying direct from farmers to protect their income. But there’re questions over the long-term. In June, rubber exports fell by 31 per cent, largely due to economic problems in Europe.

And it’s a similar situation with rice. For almost 30 years, Thailand’s been the world’s biggest exporter, but this year due to high prices - as a result of an 8 billion US dollar government subsidy scheme – many feel exports will fall and the country will lose its top spot.

The government says it’s ready to answer every question.

In Thailand’s capital Bangkok, public opinion on the new government is divided.

There’s criticism by the Democrats of the government’s handling of a border dispute with Cambodia; an issue now being investigated by the International Court of Justice. Complaints that measures to compensate those affected by the 2010 political violence in the capital and plans for national reconciliation - mainly benefit Puea Thai supporters.

Accusations of slow progress on increasing the daily minimum wage here to around 9-and-a-half US dollars. And questions over measures taken to deal with last year’s severe floods – the worst in the country for 50 years. More than 800 people died and there were claims of mis-management of flood defence systems.

Though some economic analysts have praised the government’s part in encouraging quicker-than-expected economic recovery.

The censure debate will take place here in the Thai parliament in the coming weeks. Success for the opposition could lead to calls for Ms Shinawatra to resign. But there are many who feel she’s doing a good job; and should be given more time to get to grips with this nation’s problems.

中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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