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Reactions to army changes in Egypt

发布时间:2012-08-14  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Meanwhile, a majority of Egyptians are happy with the change of guard.

Thousands of Egyptians gathered in Tahrir Square on Sunday to celebrate and support President Mohamed Morsi’s decision to retire top generals.

Morsi also suspended a constitutional amendment that limited his powers and enhanced the military’s authority. The sweeping changes are considered by many an end to 60 years of military rule in Egypt.

Mohamed El Hussieny, Morsi Supporter, said, "This is a decision of a true leader. It is very correct. Dr Mohamed Morsi made us all happy and proud. No one expected this decision. It represents our victory…a victory for determination and freedom."

Refai Ahmed, Lawyer, said, "I respect Mohamed Morsi but this decision doesn’t live up to the revolution standard. The military council committed war crimes. They hit people in this square and killed people in Mohamed Mahmood. Those generals should be kept on trial"

In a televised announcement the president’s spokesman stated that Morsi ordered the immediate retirement of Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, defence minister for more than 20 years, and Samy Annan, chief of staff. He decided to award both men state medals and appoint them as advisors to the president.

Tarek Abdel Reheem, El Salam Newspaper Manager, said, "These decisions belong to main revolution goals. He retired them at the right time and at the same time he appointed them as his advisors to support him in the coming period "

Morsi stated later that his decision is for the sake of the country’s interests. The changes follow a security failure a week ago in Sinai.

An attack on Rafah’s border crossing, which left 16 soldiers dead, opened the way for the president to aggressively assert authority over his top generals.

中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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