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Pakistan celebrates 65th Independence Day

发布时间:2012-08-15  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Pakistan has celebrated its 65th Independence Day in a simpler way than in the past. 2011 was a tough year for Pakistan, in many ways. Politically, the country has been unstable and relations with the US have deteriorated. Our correspondent Danial Khan takes a look at what Pakistan has been through and what the future holds.

The last year has been quite turbulent as far as Pakistan’s political landscape is concerned. It began with confrontations with the United States after the US military carried out a unilateral operation inside Pakistan and took out Osama Bin Laden.

Later in the year, twenty four Pakistani soldiers were killed by a cross border attack by NATO forces. In response Pakistan closed the crucial NATO supply routes to Afghanistan.

Continuous US drone strikes killing mostly innocent civilians in Pakistan’s northern tribal belt have paved the way for uninterrupted terrorist attacks in different parts of the country, mostly targeting security and government forces for allying with the US.

And today as Pakistan celebrates its 65th independence day, the nation hopes to learn from past mistakes.


Pakistani policemen attend a ceremony to celebrate 65th Pakistan's Independence Day in northwest Pakistan's Peshawar on Aug. 14, 2012. Pakistan's Independence Day is observed every year on Aug. 14, the day on which Pakistan got independence from the British rule in 1947. (Xinhua/Umar Qayyum)

General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kiyani, Pakistani Chief of Army Staff, said, "Nations living in the past cannot move forward, so we should learn from our past and move towards a better future.”

Pakistan was hit by devastating floods last year affecting nearly twenty million people.

Alongside the country faces acute energy crisis with frequent power outages throughout the country affecting the industrial sector and economic growth of the country.


Pakistani students sing national anthem during a ceremony to celebrate 65th Pakistan's Independence Day in northwest Pakistan's Peshawar on Aug. 14, 2012. Pakistan's Independence Day is observed every year on Aug. 14, the day on which Pakistan got independence from the British rule in 1947. (Xinhua/Umar Qayyum)

"Pakistan has seen many ups and downs in the past, but still the country is moving forward, it is God’s blessing on this nation. "

"We are a strong nation, but the government is weak. "

"This is a great day, we got our freedom on this day. "

"Pakistan should not make alliance with the U.S. because the US only exploits Pakistan for its own purposes. "


Pakistani policemen attend a ceremony to celebrate 65th Pakistan's Independence Day in northwest Pakistan's Peshawar on Aug. 14, 2012. Pakistan's Independence Day is observed every year on Aug. 14, the day on which Pakistan got independence from the British rule in 1947. (Xinhua/Umar Qayyum)

Pakistan’s last year’s political backdrop has been unstable. With frequent confrontations between the government and the judiciary, that saw the country’s prime minister stepping down in contempt charges, for not writing letter to foreign authorities to reopen corruption cases against Pakistan’s president Asif Zardari, who is now playing the role of a political martyr.

Asif Ali Zardari, Pakistani President, said,“It is our duty to safeguard the dignity and the honor of the elected parliament, parliament is the voice of the people and cannot be silenced.”

Independence day Celebrations started days before.

The celebration began with a 31-gun salute at the federal capital and 21-gun salute at all the provincial headquarters, special prayers in mosques for the unity and solidarity of the country were held.

The federal capital has been lit up with the colors of the national flag. Many say that despite unstable economic situation and security in the country they will celebrate the Independence Day as much as they can, but in fewer means.


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