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Tango dancers show off at World Tango Championships in Buenos Aires

发布时间:2012-08-24  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Tango dancers from around the world are showing off their high kicks and tight twirls as they compete in the Stage tango qualifiers at the World Tango Championships in Buenos Aires. The competition was rigid, but the high octane dancers with their choreography were anything but, on Wednesday.

Dancers and tango enthusiasts from around the world flocked to Buenos Aires for the 2012 Buenos Aires Tango Festival and World Championships. Competitors hailed from Japan, the US and countless homegrown dancers in Argentina.

Juan Paolo Nerzi, Italian Stage Tango Dancer, says, "Being here is something different because when you go to a competition in whatever country there is always the ones that want first place. Here the competition is tough, but everyone wishes you success, luck and strength... Everyone’s heart is open here, everyone’s."

The tango and the nostalgic music that accompanies it was born in the poor neighbourhoods surrounding Buenos Aires and in neighbouring Uruguay in the late 19th century. It has since grown into an international phenomena and is undoubtedly the cultural highlight of the Argentine capital.

Tango dancers from around the world are showing off their high kicks and tight twirls as
they compete in the Stage tango qualifiers at the World Tango Championships in Buenos

The Salon tango is often characterised by slow, measured and smoothly executed moves, with the walk being the most important element.

Raul Santana, Chilean Stage Tango Dancer, says, "Diana and I, we love tango. There are a lot of people that do and coming here is part of that love. It is like a pilgrimage to a place where you can breathe tango in the air."

The 2012 festival and competition is the 10th and largest world championship held in Buenos Aires, which also features performances by dancers and tango musicians.

Diana Lopez, Chilean Stage Tango Dancer, says, "It is like a dream come true to stand up there and compete with the most incredible and marvellous people in the world."

Salon style champions will be crowned on August 27th and Stage champions will be presented on August 28th to close out the two-week festival.


Tango dancers from around the world are showing off their high kicks and tight twirls as
they compete in the Stage tango qualifiers at the World Tango Championships in Buenos

中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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