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4D experience in a theme park astonish audiences

发布时间:2012-09-04  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

We turn to France where a 4D experience is boosting visitor numbers at one of Europe’s largest theme parks. Futuroscope in France is showing the film "Arthur 4D" by celebrated director Luc Besson, promising a realistic and immersive cinema experience, so why not join the crowd with us?

A theme park experience that gets the audience screaming and grinning from ear-to-ear, but this is no rollercoaster. These people are watching "Arthur 4D", created by French director Luc Besson and based on the "Arthur and the Invisibles" film trilogy.

Arthur: 4D adventure

Audiences are watching 4D film



The 4D cinema in Futuroscope, France’s second largest amusement park, plays a 3D animated film on a giant IMAX screen - but the extra dimension comes from motion effects and other sensory tricks and surprises.

Herald Jansen, Dutch tourist, said,"It was wonderful, it was the best I saw these days, 3D and moving, wonderful, I enjoyed it very much."

As the audience enters the theatre for "Arthur the 4D adventure", they are entering the world of the "Minimoys", the movie’s tiny invisible creatures who live a secret underground life in harmony with nature.

Picture from the film


Picture from the film

For the designers, the biggest trick was to faithfully recreate the characters and sets, while building a solid and sustainable environment for an attraction used by thousands of visitors each year.

Olivier Heral, artistic director of "Arthur: the 4D adventure", said,"For a movie set, you would use materials like cardboard and textures that actually only last for the time of the shoot. Here, you are in a completely different situation, because the set has to last ten years with millions of people passing by and touching it to see if it holds up."

And the physical effects is an indispensable part of the experience. When visitors are flying on the back of a ladybird, a giant fan blows wind into their faces; and when the ladybird crashes through a spider’s web, the audience feel its silk across their faces.

Lucas Thibault, 13-year-old tourist, said,"You really believe that you’re in there, so yes, it’s super!"

In March 2012, "Arthur: the 4D Adventure" became the first installation in France to receive the Award for Outstanding Achievement from the Themed Entertainment Association, a prestigious industrial award in the amusement park industry. With this attraction, Futuroscope enjoyed the largest growth of any amusement park since 2010 in Europe.

中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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