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Dutch vote: A barometer for Eurozone future

发布时间:2012-09-13  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

Markets in Europe are now turning their focus on the Dutch parliamentary election taking place today. As the Netherlands is a major debtor of the bailout fund for the eurozone’s debt-ridden countries, the country's political and economic path is crucial for the entire currency block.

The Dutch cabinet collapsed in April this year due to a failure to reach an agreement on cutting the budget deficit. The country then decided to hold an early general election on September 12. As the European Union’s fiscal austerity plan was believed to be the main reason that toppled the previous government, how to deal with the euro zone debt crisis is key in the campaign.

Mainstream pro-European parties look set to dominate the parliamentary election, but there’re many euro sceptics who argue that instead of funding other debt-loaden euro zone members, The Netherlands should use the money to stimulate its own economic growth. Such viewpoints have gained a certain number of supporters.

Analyst of Friends of Europe, said, "I think in the Netherlands you’ve seen very much euro sceptics..."

The two parties running neck-and-neck are acting prime minister Mark Rutte’s Liberal party and the center-left Labor Party. About a fifth of the voters say however they are undecided.

Brian Burgoon, Professor of University of Amsterdam, said, "There’re much divisions in ..."

Regardless of which party will win most seats, The Netherlands is likely to remain a tough-talking member of the single currency area. The Netherlands is one of the few triple-A rated countries left in Europe and a long-standing ally of Germany in demanding strict adherence to fiscal discipline and austerity measures. Analysts say the winner will still face domestic pressures on issues including European union integration and deficit cuts.

中国公众网摘编GAN JADE

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