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Flower festival kicks off in Australia's capital Canberra

发布时间:2012-09-21  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

So autumn is fully upon us here in Beijing and of course the rest of the northern Hemisphere. But people in the southern Hemisphere are busy celebrating the coming of springtime. In Australia’s capital Canberra, Australians are flocking to Floriade for the annual flower festival.

Canberra is in full bloom at the Floriade annual flower festival.

From perfect poppies to dazzling daffodils, there is much to see and snap at for the thousands of visitors. 2012 marks the festival’s 25th anniversary.

"I enjoy the fact that’s it’s free, it’s a lovely day out, the kids enjoy looking at the flowers."

The name Floriade comes from Latin to means designing with flowers. There are 78 variety of tulips alone at this year’s event.

Event organisers say one million blooms have been planted in celebration of the theme "Style and Design".

In Australia’s capital Canberra, Australians are flocking to Floriade for the annual flower festival.


Adelina La Vita, event organizer of Floriade Flower Festival, said,"Style and Design is almost a literal translation in the garden beds. You know we’ve really taken inspiration from design history."

Head gardener Andrew Forster is still as excited about Floriade as when he began creating gardens for the festival 14 years ago. This year he involved little green-fingers in the preparation.

Andrew Forster, head gardener of Floriade Flower Festival, said,"We’ve got some beds around the lake which have been planted by school students so they’ll be able to come down with mum and dad and say ’I planted that bit of Floriade’."

Floriade marks a change in the seasons.

"For me it’s like the beginning of spring. This is the beginning of spring today and so that’s always associated with Floriade so I always look forward to it."

The gardening team begins construction more than 12 months in advance. The ground is prepared to ensure the infrastructure, drainage and watering systems are ready for the throngs of visitors.

It’s not all a bed of roses. Gardeners work around the clock throughout the festival to maintain the immaculate displays. While visitors indulge in all manner of activities from outdoor concerts to art workshops and culinary offerings.

For many families the spring festival is an annual tradition.

"This is a lovely festival. We’ve been here for the last 20 years."

And when it’s all over, many plants and flowers are cut and distributed to the community. Floriade continues until October 14th.

In Australia’s capital Canberra, Australians are flocking to Floriade for the annual flower festival.

In Australia’s capital Canberra, Australians are flocking to Floriade for the annual flower festival.

In Australia’s capital Canberra, Australians are flocking to Floriade for the annual flower festival.

In Australia’s capital Canberra, Australians are flocking to Floriade for the annual flower festival.



中国公众网摘编GAN JADE 

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