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Farmers Games wrap up in Nanyang

发布时间:2012-09-24  来源:CNTV  字体大小[ ]

After seven days, the 7th National Farmer's Sports Meet has concluded in Nanyang, central China's Henan province. The home delegation had an historic performance. Team members won 58 events, while taking second place in 43 others, and finishing third in another 24. That was good enough to top the standings.

The multi-sport event is described as a rural Olympic Games. More than 3,000 athletes from across the country gathered to take part in the competition.

Rowing teams participate in a dragon boat race at the seven-day National Farmers' Games, which
feature 15 sports and 198 events, including traditional Chinese games such as dragon boat
racing, kite fl ying and shuttlecock. [Photo/China Daily]

The closing ceremony was highlighted by performances using local music, and dance numbers and yangge, a popular rural folk dance that highlights a simple countrylife.

China is believed to be the only country that routinely has Farmer’s Sports Meet. The event is held every four years, and began in 1988.

The next Farmer’s Sports meet will be held in Songyuan, Jilin province in 2016.

A triathlete from Hubei province throws a plastic seedling weighing 0.8 kilograms.
[Photo/China Daily]

Unique prizes are awarded for special events. On Thursday, the top contestants for Mongolian
wrestling received livestock such as camels, horses and cattle. [Photo/China Daily]

The women's 60-meter seedling-planting event. “I had great fun here,” said Tan Renyi, a
19-year-old who raced to plant seedlings and came in fourth place. “I got used to activities
like this on my family's farm.” [Photo/China Daily]

Women race while carrying sandbags. Floods sometimes occur in rural areas, and sandbags are
used for flood control. [Photo/China Daily]

A contestant runs across a track while carrying water, simulating a scenario in which
seedlings must be protected from drought. [Photo/China Daily]

中国公众网摘编GAN JADE

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