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LOS ANGELES, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- The man behind a controversial anti-Muslim film which sparked a wave of violent protest and days of rioting in ..
A Switzerland-based foundation presented a painting they believe to be an earlier version of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, the world-famous w..
Former US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, and former EU High Commissioner, Javier Solana, have said that there is little hope of a rapid solutio..
By CCTV reporter Gao Ying 30 opposition parties in Syria have convened a national conference to rescue the country. It called for "the peaceful ov..
By CCTV reporter Peter WakabaIn many cities around the world and Africa, the issue of public transport is a crucial and heavily regulated aspect o..
Shinzo Abe, the newly elected chief of Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party, has called for an ease in tensions over the Diaoyu Islands dispute, ..
Former US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, and former EU High Commissioner, Javier Solana, have said that there is little hope of a rapid solutio..
Sudan and South Sudan have reached a border security agreement which will allow the resumption of southern oil exports through the north. Spokesmen..
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