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Iran has deployed a domestic-built reconnaissance drone with a 24 hour flight capability. That’s according to a senior Revolutionary Guard comma..
The World Health Organization has issued a global alert after a new type of coronavirus was found. It belongs to the same virus family as the on..
A three-year punitive tariff on the import of Chinese tires to the US is set to expire on Wednesday. After three years, the tariff seems to have..
In the speculation about China’s first aircraft carrier, one big question has been who will be its commander. The main responsibility for trai..
Sydney’s Sea Life Aquarium re-opened on Monday, after a 10 million US dollar refurbishment over nine months. The new oceanarium now displays a..
By CCTV correspondent Wisam Al BayatiThere are more than 2 million widows in Iraq. These women have a daily struggle to survive.Iraq’s widows..
A closely-watched business survey shows that business optimism in Germany fell for the fifth month in a row, in another sign that Europe's debt cr..
By CCTV Desire KanonHeavy flooding in Senegal has prompted the country to abolish the Senate, in order to divert funds to disaster relief. But cri..
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