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Samsung says it will appeal a US court ruling that it stole designs from Apple to make smartphones and computer tablets.A jury in San Jose, Calif..
Tropical Storm Isaac has closed in on the US Gulf of Mexico coast. It threatens to make landfall between Florida and Louisiana as a full-blown hu..
The opening ceremony of the Second Ordos International Nadam Fair was held on Monday evening in Ordos, the third largest city in the Inner Mongoli..
Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, has died at the age of 82.Neil Armstrong, said, " that’s one small step for man and on..
Tango dancers from around the world are showing off their high kicks and tight twirls as they compete in the Stage tango qualifiers at the World..
Four flames have been lit on the highest peaks of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland ahead of next week’s Paralympic Games in Lond..
Ethiopia’s parliament is expected to reconvene after the Ethiopian new year, to be marked on September 11th. This is to enable a smooth trans..
A Syrian air raid has killed 30 people in the rebel-held town of Azaz.Dozens of people have also been wounded as government war planes levelled h..
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