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A vendor sells a booklet of the Democratic Convention at the Carolina Fest street festival during preparations for the Democratic National Conventio..
A steep rise in customs duties takes effect in Cuba on Monday. The country has increased taxes on goods imported by airline passengers and through..
Mexican president Felipe Calderon has delivered his final state-of-the-nation speech. Calderon acknowledged that mistakes have been made in his governm..
We turn to France where a 4D experience is boosting visitor numbers at one of Europe’s largest theme parks. Futuroscope in France is showing..
Japan's parliament has passed a censure motion, submitted by the two main opposition parties, against Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. This has piled ..
Venice Film Festival director Alberto Barbera is reducing the size of this year’s festival and supporting young filmmakers. More recent editions..
The Paralympics opening ceremony has kicked off with display of dancing and a "big bang" on Wednesday night.Physicist Stephen Hawking opened the eve..
US President Barack Obama has laid down a challenge to Republicans by calling on young people to re-enlist in his now battered crusade of hope an..
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